le diy

helloooooooooooo i hope you are well ^^ i do not know why i make strange intro like this xd i find you today for a great diy that i have never seen on youtube or on the internet. it is therefore a small excluded we will create a liner designer home made or a tutor to eyeliner, basically a small object super practical to apply its trail of eye liner one can also make fall protection patches (for eye shadows) see refreshing patch for eye contour

the possibilities are endless and with what ??? gelatin i like the idea of ​​the liner designer of beauty blender i find the idea top and object very practical (cf info bar for video) concern ? it costs an arm. 15 € for a designer liner, it's just huge knowing that we have 2 eyes it makes 30 € ... it's too expensive for most people

and after a few tests and tests, i created her little things there =) i will share with you my recipe (very simple and especially cheap) and you will see, that this diy is accessible to all the world for the diy we need of gelatin (animal or vegetable with agar agar) vegetable glycerin water pigments, sequins and decoration for fun

recipe add the same amount of gelatin, glycerin and water if you add pigments and flakes, you will need to adjust the amount water and glycerin it takes a liquid result like a compote of apple (i no better image) the texture of gelatin must be fluid to be able with a fine result next, our 20sec gelatin is placed in the microwave draw your shapes on a smooth surface (like a plate for example) you can find templates on my beauty blog

the link is available in the information bar with a small syringe, we take our still hot gelatine and i apply it on my forms, trying to have a uniform result be careful, the gelatin is hot enough, do not burn after 30min 1h wait one comes with a loose powder and a small brush to facilitate the removal of our designer liner and you can take them off with your nails, a knife or a sculpture spatula to have the right edges, we will come to cut them with a chisel before use, they must be disinfected and washed

place to demonstration just place it in an external corner of our eye, and to trace his eye liner as usual if you ever want to have my tips and tricks to apply his eye liner, rdv in the info bar to maintain them it is very simple the conventional make-up remover or water and soap on the other hand, it remains rather fragile, so be careful not to shoot too much the advantage is that, if it breaks you can remake to infinity with gelatin you can make a lot of thing

anti-fall drop patches for eye shadow with the slightly sticky side of the gelatin, the residues of makeup will not fall on your cheeks and it does not damage your makeup, it's not top it this is diy competition not? with its same patch, placed in the fridge and boom patches decongesting for puffiness and dark circles do not forget the templates to realize the shape of the liner designer and the patches on my blog la dã©brouillarde gelatin melts at high heat in case of strong heat, it is better to keep the fridge i put the patch back in the microwave, it becomes liquid again

i hope this video you liked =) do not hesitate to like the video and share it on social networks and tell me what can be created with gelatin as useful objects? do not forget to subscribe to the channel and activate the bell i make you full of kisses, take care of yourself =) and good creation bye =)
