do it yourself youtube

ok guys today's blog is going to besomething a little bit different i get asked this one question all the timewhether it's through twitter i've got even lately asked oninstagram i've got asked on emails on a regular basis over and over and overagain i always try to answer it but i thought it was time to do a little morekind of in-depth video about the subject what i get asked is do i have any tipsfor becoming a professional musician do you have any tips for how you can getyourself discovered as a musician how you start a career as a musician however you want to word it but that's thebasic question and that's what i'm going

to talk about in detail so stick aroundget a notebook and make some notes this is all stuff that will work ok are we ready for this even i madenotes for starters you have to be prepared to work hard and i can'temphasize this enough people underestimate hugely what that means youknow you might have a nine-to-five job and you might work really really hardthere i have no doubt about that but being a musician is like being anentrepreneur like starting your own company being having your own career ona lifeline every single day every second every minute every hour you never stopyou gotta have a mindset of how to get

better how to be more successful how tospread the word wider like you have to be absolutely insanely in love with whatyou do because otherwise you're gonna burn out who am i to talk about this well i've been a full-time musician for18 years now and i'm not talking about the big media like that everybodybelieves which is like we see these x-factor or you know the voice or allthese things they're not even this small part of the business musicbusiness music industry is absolutely massive there's a huge underlying level of whati call the working class musicians

that's where you're going to have to aimfor first aim for that little bit of stardom up there it's not realisticdream and it as realistic as playing the lottery it 's just media likes to percentyou this overnight success idea story which is bull crap its please do me afavor don't believe it don't believe it don't believe it let me ask you this how many years have let's say x factor how many years of x-factors been going on i don't knowi actually genuinely don't know but i know it's a lot of years because it wrecks myhead every time it comes on tv how many

of those people who were in the showactually became what you would say successful and i successful i don't meanthe overnight successful that they were successful one year big star blah i meanthey were built a career that lasts for 10 20 years you see that fame can wreckyour life really fast because what happens is this yes you make quick money and it's greatblah but you can't go out you can't go to your local restaurant you can't go toshop because people will recognize you so unless that career is going to lastfor 20 years where you know you make enough money that you can live the restof your life very very happily then you

can do it but if it's only for that oneyear of like shoot to the stars fame you gotta be scraping for the rest of yourlife and you're going to be recognized for the rest of your life wherever yougo which is not be recognized as like at itit can be wonderful thing but when it gets to the point that you've been thatsuccessful it becomes something that affects everything you do so that littlething up there if that's what you're after this videois not for you this is for the real working musicians ok the working classlevel musicianship that's where it's at and there's a huge industry for that andthat's what i'm going to talk about in

more detail and so be prepared to workvery hard around the clock seven days a week 365 days a year okay i'll give you 364 daysyou can take the christmas day off maybe maybe maybe because it's so much hardwork you've got to do something you love you really have to love what you do ifyou're fighting with your bandmates all the time it becomes very sourthing very very fast so you have to make sure that the team that yousurround yourself with is the team that you want to really will work with if youstruggle with that then do it by yourself a solo artist but still you'regoing to end up working with other

people along the way it's inevitable butmake sure that team is some people that you love spending time with you get onwhich and make sure that the music you do you love it because if you don't loveit no one else is gonna love it and it'sgoing to turn into a tough tough job very very very fast ok it's 2016 be visual you need to thinkabout photography instagram social media video video video video video did i saythat often enough times if you don't know i don't know how to takephotographs i just want to do the music i don't know how to make videos

i don't know how to edit videos i just want to make musicyou got two choices either you pay somebody else to do itand if you don't have money you learn how to do it yourself as i said it's2016 this is part of your job as a musician this is something i spent too many yearswasting time on a wish you don't ever have to do that do-it-yourself don'twait for anybody else to do it for you do it your self we all go like could i get a manager howdo i go about getting a manager how to get a record contract

and all of those things make an albumyou have to learn how to do it yourself first having a manager you have to learn howto manage yourself first managers come in when you are making money managers don't come in and start making you money you know you have to be making moneythen they come in i don't have a manager i manage myself i managed two other bands that i work with i have agents in different countries that helped me alittle bit but most of the work i do it myself every single band that i knowand i know a lot of them that work on the working class level managethemselves

nine out of ten times with the managercomes in they are going completely different level or which i've seen thismore than the other one there on the road where the monitor actions ofmessing things up for them sorry to tell you that's the way thisrecord labels are ninety-nine percent of the time it's just a scam and where theymake all the money you get nothing and eventually get to the point that you'renot allowed to release any music or day they won't release any music and you'reallowed to release it either because you typed a contract if you don't believe mego on find ryan girls book called break the break the business and the musicbusiness book it's one book that you

need to read go check it out but anybodyin the business knows this point out record contracts i'm very very very very naughty area andyou're much better off making your own albums listen to yourself all the tools areonline at these days it's so so so much easier and that in mind next thing gofigure of band camp start getting bank i'm start releasing music on bandcamplearn how to record music just so many software's out there again going back toyou can do it yourself youtube if your music isn't on youtubeit doesn't exist

simple as that get on youtube start yourown channel start posting and here's the thing start posting today not tomorrownot in a week's time in a month time when your video is a perfect startposting today post something today come back tomorrow for something moreyoutube is every single day guess what happens you get better at making videosyou get better at performing and this goes back to the simple thing of hardwork getting good at music itself is just hard work it's repeat something anddo it over and over and over and over and over and over over again it's thatrule of 10,000 hours you got to put the tent hours and hours into it you gottarehearse you got get good at performing

love you gotta play a life a lot youcould go to play a lot of horrible crappy cakes for no money that actuallygonna cost you money to do them you need to do over and over and over and overand over again that's the ways it's the hard work you have to accept it and youdo the same thing with the video you get better and you repeat it you get better youtube is wonderful wonderful wonderfulplatform that it takes a lot of work to get any kind of recognition in there butget in there put your songs out there two different versions of them do thecover versions of them to artistic vs of them your video where you talk aboutyour songs helps started a blog if you

want if you're up for it get on youtube today you gotta play lifethese days it's like you gotta play alive a lot my personal experience ifyou want to be successful music business you gotta play alive blocks that iswhere you spoke of your income is coming from these days it's unavoidable even if your big idea is to make moneyout of licensing are you know getting your music on on films and all that toget to that point you need to play alive loss that's where you gotta start playlive a lot take every opportunity you can at this stage it's the same thingagain repeated play alive again and

again and again again again you're likeshow will get better do some favor when you playing live film yourself look backsee what you can improve on and do it again tomorrow and the day after and theday after and the day after and as i said it is going to be hard work begenuinely nice like don't think that being a demandingarrogant person is going to do anything good it's not be genuinely nice i honestlythink that your personality has to come through but your personality issomething you can work on as well so learn how to be nice pink take a morepositive outlook on life taken a more

positive outlook on everything you do that's what i mean i've been missing for18 years would be still doing this if i want to have a positive outlook on lifewould i still be doing this if i was just thinking that i need to getdefinitely starting bit probably not i would give it up but i have a verypositive outlook on life i enjoy what i do so what we're gonna bedoing this and i enjoy meeting new people i enjoy traveling i enjoy enjoyall of it dealing in the frustrates me is seeingother people with a bad worker think that's a different thing altogether

don't ever think that you're abovesomebody don't ever think that your your i've done this and down the other so ideserve this you're only as good as your last showyou're only as good as your next show you're only as good as us what you'redoing right now right here how much are you willing to commit toyourself into the next piece of music you going to do that's the only measurement your work tothink that you you know you deserve something more or you you know your oldsomething and make sure something that nobody wants to work with you so youknow be genuinely thankful for every

opportunity that comes your way it doesn't mean that you shouldn't valuewhat you do yourself but what it means is that you know be grateful for everyopportunity comes along on your way if you think that is not good for yourcareer that you spent the same time doing something else that we work moreyour while then you know it's okay to say no to some some jobs along the wayin the beginning you take everything you get your hands on simple as that this is all hardcore advice i know butit's the facts like there's there is no shortcut it's all hard work and it's ahard work that you got to start doing

today not tomorrow and it like what isee so many musicians phailin is the idea of that this has to be perfect so iwill put it out now put it up when it's perfect and thenthey work on something for months years and eventually they get bored with itand they never release it get it up today right it's not gonna be perfect and move onwork on the next thing it's going to be a little bit better because you alreadyhave the experience for the last thing move on to the next thing it's gonna bebetter because you have the experience for the past two things and so on and soon and so on

start writing songs start recordingsongs you know the software is out there the advices on youtube just search onyoutube how to use this in this software the basics come up more detailed stuffcome up you just got to spend the hours studying how to do that whatever your software is it doesn'treally matter because they're all very high quality these days the gear isvital in a sense that it has to work but once you porn past the point that itdoes work it's an excuse not to do more you know i won't record this because andguitar doesn't have to be exactly the same time that i would like to have andso i'm going to save money until i get

the fancy new gibson les paul and thenour recorders crap bullcrap make it work make it work with what you have got apretty simple recording setup and it starts me really well and i got reallyhigh quality results out of it and that's because i make it work i've got a beat-up old museum acousticguitar that i bought those are fans of guitars are a couple of taylor's overthe years i had a kre which is the same as alvarez cre in america i had somereally nice guitars over the years i always end up going back to the beat-upguitar because it has the right time for me it works perfectly

it's nice to have a new equipment andsometimes it can be inspiring tools to have but they're not the reason whyyou're going to be better than the hard work is the enhance and here's tip forexample guitar players get up old beat-up guitar that is why option playwith it playing with it playing with it playing with it you will actually becomea better players fingers become stronger but playing with a crappy guitar andthen going to your better get our equipment is an excuse hold on a second you can record musicwith one of these these days you can make professional quality products withone of these these days i've heard

people do them amazing even i was blownaway by the results there's no excuse there is no excuse here is not your excuse so that's thefirst bits of this i don't know maybe we're going to do a second part of itleave me comments let me know what you think of all this stuff maybe if there'sif there's more questions in the comments and maybe we do a party to thisbut these are the basic things that you have to do to become a musician and yougotta do the work that's the number one thing you got to be visual you gotta betaking any work opportunity that comes through on your way

you gotta get on youtube you gotta learnhow to video photos you gotta learn how to record your own music and and youhave to do it day after day after day after day after day after day after day don't give up never give up that's it hopefully that's helped you insome sort of way let me know in the comments what youthink of it and place to subscribe to follow my adventures talk this in class
