do it yourself university

this video will show you how to edit a documentor file within box once you have your documents added to thebox, you can make changes to them simply by opening them. click on the given document to open up a previewand view the document. here you won’t be able to edit the documentjust yet, but you will be able to see its current draft, any activity or revisions thathave been done, and more specific information about the size and origin of the document. notifications will be sent for any new commentsor assignments if you have selected that preference. to open the document and edit, you can selecteither word desktop or word online.

please note that you will need to installbox edit for your word desktop if you would like to use it. box offers a link located within the “openwith word” tab. similarly, you can also open the documentwithin google docs straight from the homepage by expanding the drop down and hovering over“actions.” we will use word online to take a look atupdating documents within box. as you make changes within the document, theoriginal document uploaded to the box will make all the changes as well. in order to see these new changes, you mustfirst select “yes” when box notifies you

that there is a newer edition of the documentyou are previewing. folders have additional settings you can set. to find these, expand the menu and hover overproperties. then click on “folder settings.” as the owner of the folder, you enable orlimit different abilities as you like. for help or other questions, click on aska librarian link anywhere on the ebling library website.
